Takahiro Hasebe (Hokkaido University) : Lifting operators on a Hilbert space nicely to the tensor product or free product Hilbert space

Takahiro Hasebe (Hokkaido University) : Lifting operators on a Hilbert space nicely to the tensor product or free product Hilbert space Abstract: The basic five notions of independences in noncommutative probability (tensor, free, boolean, monotone, antimonotone) have canonical operator models on Hilbert spaces. All these models are based on constructing…

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Malte Gerhold (Université de la Sarre) : Classification of two-faced independences

Malte Gerhold (Université de la Sarre) : Classification of two-faced independences Abstract: Two-faced independences are independence relations for pairs of noncommutative random variables. An important example is bifree independence, which models the relation between left and right regular representation of the free group in the canonical tracial state. Around 2000,…

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