The Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon (LmB) is located on campus la Bouloie , on the 3rd and 4th floor of building B Métrologie . The full address is :

Laboratoire de Mathématiques
UFR Sciences et Techniques
16 route de Gray
25030 Besançon CEDEX

The campus is currently under construction, which may make access difficult.

Access from train station Viotte

  • It takes about 15 minutes from Viotte train station to the campus with bus number 3. At stop Gare Viotte, take bus 3 direction Pôle Temis and stop at Crous Université. The bus timetable for line 3 from Gare Viotte stop are available here.
  • From bus stop Crous Université, follow the indications on the map below leading to the building Métrologie. Take the stairs to the 3rd floor to access LmB (a staff card is required to use the elevator).
La Bouloie map
La Bouloie map

Access from Besançon Franche – Comté TGV train station

  • From the TGV train station, take the train shuttle to Viotte train station and follow the preceding instructions.
  • The timetable for the train shuttle can be found here.

Access from Besançon city center

  • Bus number 3 (stop Crous Université) and 9 (stop Beaux-Arts) allow to reach the campus from the city center.
  • Tramway number 2 and bus number 3 and 5 connect Viotte train station and Besançon city center.
  • link to the bus network map ; link to the bus timetables.

Access by car

  • You can follow the instructions provided by Google Maps.